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virtual engagement

Virtual engagement is paramount in the 21st century. This is even more evident as we experienced the world impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Having a meaningful virtual presence that fosters community, engaging fellowship and effective multi-directional communication is what is needed. WIth the plethora of platforms and mediums available for communication, how we choose to leverage those resources is vital to sustainability and impactful influence.   



Within our virtual presence, how are we fostering faithal and engaging community?


How are we leveraging virtual mediums to enable effective multi-directional communication?


How often does the community  engage in ways that are sustainable and impactful? 


As a leader, how do you envision community? All around you is community. whether it is your family, friends, neighborhood, church, clubs, fraternities, sororities, common interests groups. With the ability of technology, the connection to community has been expanded. Depending on your virtual platforms, you engage with another level of community online. The focus needs to be how do we foster meaningful community in all spaces and places. Community is always meant to be fostered and engaging. 





As a leader, communication is essential. The methods are endless but it requires a clear plan on how you are willing to consistently engage with your community. Within a community communication is not one directional but a space where all voices have the ability to participate. The way in which you communicate needs to align with your purpose and mission as a community. While communication is essential, it is important for you as a leader to ensuere it is clear and effective. In doing so, you accomplish a unified purpose and goal. 



As a leader, it is important to ensure you keep the flow going. Your voice matters and the voice of others in the community. How often you provide those spaces and places matter. It needs to be clear to everyone in the community so that they are aware and prepared to engage. You must be prepared to introduce engagement in a way that will not become a start and stop. Consistency is essential to not only maintain the community but give credence to new members to beceome active and engaged. 

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