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leadership development

Transformational servant leadership begins with an understanding your PIP- Power, Influence and Perceived value/impact.  It is important for leaders to understand that no matter what level of leadership you serve in you have the ability to be transformative. 


How do I steward my power in the spaces where I show up as a leader?


How do I use my influence to serve others well and make a difference?


How is my value and impact perceived by others?


As leaders, we are first and foremost stewards. As we serve in various capacities of leadership, how we show up matters. We bring our power with us and it is something we must understand, be accountable and steward carefully in order to be effective. 


Power has many variables depending on the roles, geography, culture, industry, etc. Even if you have the same role it may not govern the same authoritative capacity in every capacity you operate in. Understanding how to steward the power you are given will help you know how to best to show up and be transformational. 



As a leader, you have influence. The dynamics of your influence will vary depending on your community. The importance that you must focus on is how you show up and what the community needs. The needs will evolve and because everyone in your community also has influence. That is the power of community. 


As a leader, your understanding and value of others will ensure that your community can be a place of belonging. Navigating that space/place requires a deeper understanding. However, you are a catalyst not a dictator. Your empowerment model will enable influencers to embody the purpose, mission, and goals. Influence is not about power but about service.



As a leader, we must daily asses how we show up. In some cases, perception is reality. Furthermore, we must understand how we need to align or re-align our reality to the growth goals of our strategic intent. Where do you want your organization, your team, your ministry to grow and become? How is your vision embedded in your core values? 


It is imperative that you do not put effort in maintaining a false narrative in hopes of it materializing but clearly understand what you are truly portraying to others. How you are perceived is multi-dimensional. To ignore that is to put limits on the purpose and progression of yourself as a leader and your those you are stewarding. 


There is so much opportunity to evolve and grow. To heal and expand. To engage and explore! 

Online Communities of Practice
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